Most of these tools were introduced with a
lot of effort, including external consultants. But reality revealed that most
of these tools or concepts where not succeeding, the outcome was poor even if
the concept fitted the actual needs to improve performance.
Reasons for failure where manifold,
employee´s resistance, lack of skills and motivation, poor leadership of
project responsibles and finally the concept needed to much effort and
ressources to be implemented.
Consequently, following the key drivers
listed below will improve implementation process of new management tools or
Make it understandable
All concepts have to be clear and
understood by all team members involved. It´s important to win the team's
motivation. Vague concepts were neither success nor the effect on corporate´s
performance are measurable, are simply failing because of their incapacity of
moving the people for them. Only when the staff clearly understands the need
for the restructuring process, the employee´s minds and hearts are won.
Small steps - big goals
All goals must be split up into single
measures, where success is reachable within months. This motivates people to go
for the next measure. Start with small test projects which focus on spot
improvements, then go for bigger scales.
Who´s affected must be involved
One of the main problems in the stage of
implementation is that not all of the people affected are involved in the
process, they get their directives and have to follow them without
understanding why and for what purpose. This creates resistance, followed by
bad mouthing when success doesn´t come out. If at this point management does
not fully support the restructuring team, the project will fail! The project
head has to have excellent communication skills to convince the affected
employee´s of the need of implementation and change. Most implementation teams
are lacking communication skills or simply don´t have the capacity to speak the
right language which everybody understands - starting from the management board
all the way down to shop floor.
Measure the progress
You can´t manage what you can´t measure.
First of all, set metrics to every step - this could mean costs to be cut,
turnover per client, marketshare, reporting tools etc - combined with a clear timeline
and a clear responsability within the team. All these must be aligned with the
overall goals steered by the project head. Second of all, measures must be
flexible, often first ideas don´work out and the concept is not the paper worth
for. In this case alternatives must be found in order to reach corporate goals.
Usually, on top there is a steering committee installed, to which the project
head reports, and which decides important issues during the implementation
Hire the best resources available
When it comes to implement changes in
processes which affect a big part of the employees, the responsible manager
needs to have a lot of experience combined with the right personality. Only
professional staffing used for the restructuring process will capitalize the
company´s effort and create sustainable values.
About ReManagement:
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